Need som upset....


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Dryden, MI
May 2011 was my first run with chickens. Now I'm an addict. I had over 50, had a broody hatch some and also hatched some in an incubator. I lost all but 13 over the last couple months to a hawk. I just hatched two in an incubator yesterday morning. I had their new home all set up in my garage, we live in Michigan, it's insulated but not heated. I know the temp with the heat lamps was warm enough but they died. I have two more hatching any day now and I dont want this to happen again.

I have a old pack and play with two heat lamps on one side and I also put a big piece of wood on the top to try to keep some heat in. I know it's escaping the mesh netting on the side but the heat is still the right temp in the corner. I have alot of black plastic sheeting I could cut up and cover the sides that dont have the lamps with, I'm just afraid it will be too warm for them and also a fire.
I did alot of reserch about hatching in the winter because my husband was very against it. Any ideas will help, I dont want to lose these two!!!
well, where i live, right now seems fine. it feels just like spring. there is no snow on the ground. it all melted.
i don't think the weather was your problem. my garage dosn't hold heat either...
do you open the garage door before starting your car?
We used to keep our brooder inthe garage also, and had alot of issues with loss, so we built a small room in garage for the brooder and have not lost any . I belive even though we had the heat lamps, it was too drafty for them. because also we had pasty but issues, because of the draft, which i have been told that temp changes cause the pasty butt. i would either move your brooder , or consider fixing the sides so they are not getting a draft from the sides
The doors are never open...I have a petting zoo in my I have rabbits and my friend gave me ten 3 month old chicks so they are in a big hutch with heat, they are doing fine. My husband is going to build me a room that this happened hopefully I can get him to do it this weekend.
I would suggest making a much smaller brooder. Plywood works well, or a Rubbermaid tote with the lid cut down so it's just the edges, and attach chicken wire for the top. I htink for 2 chicks, they are bound to get cold in a pack in play where they can wander too farf rom the heat lights?

* hugs *
I'm going to divide the pack and play, just looking for something to use to do it...lots of wood but I wont touch the saw! I have it all wrapped up now with a top on it the temp seems to be staying where it should be the temp is going to drop very soon so I'll see how it does. These babies are rocking and chirping away in the incubater and they are not suppose to hatch until Thursday ish so I need to get this ready. All the work I'm going thru to make sure they live. These babies dad was attacked by the hawk and it was my sons favorite rooster so I need them to live!!!

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