Need some advice on "pecking order"

She sounds broody to me. Zoning out in the nesting box, fluffing up and yelling at you when you get close, just sitting there when you toss her out, that's what my broodies do.
Are they still broody if they dont eat/drink? Do they get over their broodyness and start laying again?
A broody hen will only eat and drink once or twice a day. Some of them will only eat or drink if they are moved off the nest. She should return to normal after a few weeks of being broody.
Setting hens do not eat or drink much. Most do get up once or twice a day, have a little to eat, cluck a lot then go back to it.

The longer she is broody, the longer it will take for her to start laying again. It's possible it may trigger a molt too. What breed is she? Some breeds can be remarkably persistent at their attempts to set.
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Ok well thats good to know. So maybe she is not in any type of pain.

I believe she is a silkie mixed with something... There is a pic of her in the first page I believe.

Thanks again for everyones help!
She looks like a Cochin. Cochins and silkies are at the top of the broody department.

Unfortunately this may cause her to be pecked at more when she comes out, since they will look at her like a stranger. If when she gives up and goes back to a normal routine she is more of a target I would remove the head bully and put her in jail out of sight for a few days. It's possible that will shake up the pecking order enough to make your black hen less of a target. If the harassment continues I would consider rehoming the bully.

I apologize if I repeated info someone posted already. I haven't read the entire thread.
Thanks for the info! It has been said but I appreciate all opinions and info.

She is such an interesting hen. She is terrified of her fellow hens, afraid of my gf and I, but when it comes to my dog, she attacks the heck out of him. He is a Corgi mixed with a patterdale which is a bird/hunting dog. He is very aggressive, taller than your average corgi, 40 pounds and as strong as a small pitbull. The second he gets too close to the coop she is in his face. Yesterday I let her roam around the backyard and Ben (the dog) came charging out the back door astraight for her and she attacked him and pecked him and he ran back into the house!

Anyways, She is back in the coop now and I'm just going to see where it goes.

Thank you to everyone that supported me and gave me advice and info. So much appreciated!!
Unfortunately today my black hen died.

I came home early from work and went out to check on her and she was not moving and breathing very deeply every few seconds. I was petting her and set her down to see if she could walk or eat/drink. She took a step,had a seizure and collapsed.

Wasn't really expecting this to happen. Poor girl.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Aw I'm sorry for your loss. You did all you could! Stress causes problems in animals we cannot fix usualy /:

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