Need some advice

They have been moved to the box now. I noticed when moving them that one if them have like a swollen belly and like a blueish black scab on it??
Could be just the absorbed yolk sac that is still there, it should go down in time. If you want, you could put some betadyne or anti-bacterial gel on the area just to be sure no infection gets in there. If it is scabbed over it should be ok, though.
Well the little duckling passed away overnite. Not sure what that was about. He seemed active and was eating. The other two seem good. Still no signs in last egg. Thx so much for ur help!!
Ok, well that's sad. :/ I'm guessing that one possibly had a yolk sac infection then. Sometimes when it's swollen like that it's just temporary until the body absorbs that yolk, but others it's a sign of infection inside. Hard to tell for sure, but so sorry for your loss. Hope all the others are still doing well!

How's the guy with the curled foot?
He was also the one with the curled foot. He was alot smaller than the others too. The other two r great. Runnin around and makin a mess lol!!'
Sounds like maybe it wasn't meant to be with that one, unfortunately. So many issues so early in life isn't a good sign. They aren't all meant to make it.

So glad your other two are doing well, though! :)
So true!! Thats what i told my girls. Its an awesome experience seeing them thru from the beginning.

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