Need Some Help with my Cabinet Incubator


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 4, 2011
Hello guys.....I have just built a cabinet incubator by my self. I tried to make it as good as i can but i need to ask some questions...The incubator can hold about 200-300 eggs but the thing is i want the second tray to recieve the same amount of heat as the first one. So can someone tell me that should i add a fan and where should i add it???

I have added 2 (200 w) bulbs and they give perfect amount of heat as the country i live in is quite hot! and what else should i add inside the incubator to get perfect results.

Sorry for my bad english.... english is not my mother tongue.



oh ok i will add at the top and is there something else should i add for better results?? because i want to have atleat 85% or above results
Your English is great!

Install the fan of your choice, then test the temperatures on both trays. If both trays are not the exactly same, you can swap the eggs on day 10.
That's looking great. You are going to need to add a door gasket or seal or else your heat and especially your humidity are going to blow right out the front.
Any other seams or joints that are not sealed should be closed up as well. Then add some vent holes in the back.
Sportsman cabinet incubators usually have 1 to 3, 1 inch holes near the top and bottom of the rear of the cabinet usually with flaps to close them off as desired to
adjust the air exchange.
You will need to add a water pan to provide for humidity. Perhaps a shelf in front of the light bulbs with a shallow pan of water.
If you choose to place the water at the bottom it will have to be covered with a screen to keep hatchlings from getting in the water
Do you have vents? I use the vents in my cabinet incubator to help control the humidity and temperature.

Thank You i will definitely do that!

I will add the holes and i searched around they said to add a water of tray at the bottom for humidity is that true?

alrite i will definitely do that thank you very much for the advice.

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