Need some life advice

Eat some chocolate, watch your chickens, and take a nap. You will feel better tomorrow.
Oh and don't forget the good things in life, like you have your computer, a place to sleep, food to eat..... on and on and on
Vodka works for me.

Ok, ok. It's up to you to make yourself happy. What will do that for you? It might be a major change that you need, or a moment to reflect. What will make you happy.... do it.

"This ain't no practice round."
What is so bad is I'm disabled, suffer from PTSD, depression, panik attacks, back and neck injurys and I'm anorexic so I'm not new to rough times. I know how to survive rough times. The things that have happened the last week+ have put me in a place I don't think I can pull through. Its not a relative or friend dying or anything like that. I have to find the strenth to get me through it and here on gods green earth I have no idea how.

Thanks for all the good advice though. I felt some releif{sp} reading all the responces. I knew I could count on you guys, I always can. Keep um coming I would love to hear more.

Somehow, someway I gotta pick myself up. That seems to be the major problem right now.

Oh, I don't drink and I'm thinking this wouldnt be the best time to start since I am 40 something. Tempting though!!!!

Come on Sara.... I know you are stonger than that.... get up WILL be OK..... take a time out......
darling xx
Life is cyclical. Ups are great downs are hard. My favorite saying is I get ate by a wolf and pooped off a cliff.

Its not funny but it is.

I have a situation going on I feel helpless to stop and have no idea how to get the situation under control or to stop it. For the first time in my life I'm lost.
Are you familiar with any of the 12 step philosophies? There is a reason why the first step is always to admit you are powerless and stop trying to control ANYTHING beyond your own reactions to life. It may seem counter intuitive and it is the simplest yet MOST DIFFICULT thing you can do. Sometimes you can only let go for a few seconds before you are spinning around in your own thoughts again. Practice letting go. . . It sounds impossible & counter intuitive but it is very freeing when you accomplish it. You lose the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, you lose your myopic focus on that which you cannot control, you lose aches & pains you weren't even aware were from the stress of holding on so tightly to the idea that you could somehow control something IF you just found the right answer- If you knew the correct way- If there was the perfect whatever. It is an illusion that we can control anything other than ourselves & our reactions to situations. Even when it APPEARS that we have no choices - we do have choices. Recognize that just because you don't personally want to consider something as an option doesn't mean the the as there is no option. I am not certain that the wording conveys my thought accurately, but I have reworded multiple times and it seems no clearer. The obvious pain you are in strikes right to the very center of me and I wish I could ease you somehow, but its so difficult to communicate certain personal experiences. Just keep going, forgive the mistakes you have made & will make in the future. Learn to embrace the "Serenity Prayer". Blessings to you.
I have decided to step out of the situation that has caused so much distraught and pain in my life. While doing this I will save myself but I feel like I am turning my back on my only sister. This past week has taken a toll on my health, something I can not afford to do. This thing is so bad I feel like we will never speak again. I know it can happen, with our on mother we have not spoken to her in over 10 years. Our mothers bad, she was not good to us.
Thanks again for the advice.


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