Need something "recycled" for temp housing

We have a Boeing surplus store here, and they have huge crates with tops on them. They are $5 a crate. They ship airplane parts in them.... can you find a place like that, that will sell their shipping crates to put your birds in at night? I know plenty of people around here use them for coops, too. They just modify them. The down side is that if you don't have a truck, you aren't hauling it, they are big. I've asked Lowes and other home stores for crates and pallets and they will refuse to give them out or sell them. It was explained to me that they get credit for returning their pallets. So you'll have to look for some other place-- like a heating and air company or someplace else. Put an ad on Craigslist for a large shipping crate? I also use a 12 X 12 ft dog kennel for a run. You could just use that for your "coop". Put welded wire or something over the top. Instant enclosure and you could put a tarp over part of it if it rains.

Well believe it or not... we are moving about 45 mins north of Seattle!!! Is that where you are getting these crates? Oh my if you could send me the address of the place, and maybe the name of the thing Id be trying to buy THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC!!! DO they have a phone number? THANK YOU!!
BTW-- we might be moving as well, so I am also thinking of these things. We have a few horses, lots of chickens, etc, etc.. anyway, it will be a very stressful move if we have to. They are shutting down the Boeing plant here-- no choice, it will leave a few thousand people out of jobs here. I understand moves with animals, and I am always completely disgusted with people who suggest selling off animals to move. They obviously do not have animals themselves nor understand the responsibility of animal husbandry. Anyway, if we have to move, I'll be buying a couple more chain link dog runs and doing what I just suggested above. Fast and easy, painless, and no immediate building.

Too many things in our society these days are disposable, arent they? So sad.

I see you are in KS. Maybe you are not near the Seattle plant then.(OOOPS)
Sorry about the jobs situation. I hope people find a way.
Best of luck.

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