Need to get rid of a dog…


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
Last year we found a puppy on the road , somebody had hit it and drove off. There were 6 others running off into the woods, so I assume some asshat abandoned a litter.
We picked up the injured pup and took it to EV , they had to amputate a rear leg, and kept it for a week for observation . Then called us to come get it, and sent a bill.
He’s able to get around fine without it, and runs right along with our King Pit .
We’ve had a few chickens get over the fence into the yard and the pup has gone after them, killing 2 and injuring another,while Zeus, the Pit, watched in amusement , he’s never attacked the chickens in the 21/2 years we’ve had him.
Yesterday the pup caught a rooster in the yard and ,surprisingly , Zeus joined him in the attack. Was able to call Zeus off pretty quick, but pup kept at it until we got to him .
So, now we have to get rid of the 3 legged , dirty ol’, egg suckin’ dog.
Can’t keep him around if he’s going to keep attacking the chickens, was hoping he would grow out of it the longer he is around them.
Last year we found a puppy on the road , somebody had hit it and drove off. There were 6 others running off into the woods, so I assume some asshat abandoned a litter.
We picked up the injured pup and took it to EV , they had to amputate a rear leg, and kept it for a week for observation . Then called us to come get it, and sent a bill.
He’s able to get around fine without it, and runs right along with our King Pit .
We’ve had a few chickens get over the fence into the yard and the pup has gone after them, killing 2 and injuring another,while Zeus, the Pit, watched in amusement , he’s never attacked the chickens in the 21/2 years we’ve had him.
Yesterday the pup caught a rooster in the yard and ,surprisingly , Zeus joined him in the attack. Was able to call Zeus off pretty quick, but pup kept at it until we got to him .
So, now we have to get rid of the 3 legged , dirty ol’, egg suckin’ dog.
Can’t keep him around if he’s going to keep attacking the chickens, was hoping he would grow out of it the longer he is around them.
Compliment for your great heart to pick up the injured pup and take the vets bill. Awful he turned into a chicken murderer. It would have been so much nicer if he could have stayed. Sorry for the losses. ❤️‍🩹

There is a forum on BYC to give away/sell animals too. But maybe BYC is not the best place to advertise because we all would prefer a thrust worthy dog with chickens. And it is not possible to filter on distances. Maybe Craigslist is a better place? Good luck with finding a new home for him.
Have you done anything to punish / correct him for looking at the chickens? If not, this is where you start, if you want to keep him. Dogs live in black & white land and don't tend to grow out of things that they are reinforced by - in this case the thrill of the chase, chickens making noise and all that momentary chaos hits their sweet spot real good. You need to correct him at the intention stage (looking at the chickens).

We’ve tried scolding him when he noses up to the fence towards the chickens in the other yard, and he will slink away from the fence when we do. He stopped barking at them across the fence and hasn’t been running up to the fence when they are close to it.
Last time Chap/ pup caught one, he’d dug out into the driveway, he was holding it down and chewing on it enough to make it squeak , but not ravaging it like yesterday. As soon as we saw / heard it, he ran back to the fence and crawled under. So he knows it’s a bad thing.
We can take Zeus into the chicken yard/ pasture and he won’t chase or even acknowledge them when he’s out there.
Hate to get rid of Chap, but it seems that his chase instinct is too much temptation when chickens are involved.
I would try a shock collar. Use it whenever he so much as looks at a chicken for more than a few seconds.
If he is otherwise trained (sit, stay, come) he is adoptable. I would contact a dog rescue organization and ask them to take Chap. Few people have chickens, so the chicken problem shouldn't be a problem.
Good point and people love a good sob story too so dumped litter and amputee would make him adopted pretty quick I’d think.
If he is otherwise trained (sit, stay, come) he is adoptable. I would contact a dog rescue organization and ask them to take Chap. Few people have chickens, so the chicken problem shouldn't be a problem.
The local shelter already said they would put him down, but the place that we took him to amputate said they have people that might foster him until a forever home could be found. He’s a friendly , cute, lovable mutt, so don’t want to take him to a shelter. He’s house trained and likes to hang out with people and hasn’t been aggressive to anyone that comes to the house. Has problems with the sit command, being as it’s a back leg that was amputated , and stay is not a word he understands very often, due to a short attention span and very active.

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