Need to put down a duck: Is it okay to eat?


10 Years
Dec 23, 2012
Texarkana, Arkansas
My Coop
My Coop
I have a duck I rescued a few months ago. She can barely walk now, and I think it's time to put her out of her misery and put her down. She now cannot walk across the yard any more. My question is, would you think it would be sensible to consume a duck that has these issues? I have a problem with waste, and I may decide to just feed it to the dogs.

It may seem like a weird question, but my concern is it would affect the quality of the meat. To my knowledge, she doesn't have any infections. Any thoughts?

I would want to know what is going on with the duck - she may be egg bound, she may have something else going on that can be treated.

She has a leg problem that makes it hard for her to get around. The area around her hock joints are swollen to the point she cannot bend, and it's hard to keep her balance. Not to make it funny, but she walks like a Nazi soldier. She was this way when I rescued her in January, and I tried making life as comfortable as possible for her. I have seen a noticeable difference, and she simply cannot walk very well. She tries, and she is very aware and interactive. She acts much like my crested pekin that has a milder version of this handicap.
I think it is a noble, respectful thing to put her out of her misery and have her nourish you and your family. I also have a hard time with waste. Though giving her to the dogs is not as wasteful as throwing her out with the trash or burying her for the worms, I would send a prayer of thanks and appreciation, out to the universe for her and then eat her.
I might not save her feet/ legs for the duck broth though. (I save all the parts/ carcass in the freezer till I have enough to make a big batch of rich broth) But even that is a case by case basis if there is no infection.

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