Need to see a picture of a 6-8 week old cornish x cockerel and pullet.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 23, 2010
Hello... could someone post a picture of a 6-8 week old cornish cross? I have one and need to know if it's a cockerel or a pullet
Thanks!!! This is mine by the way. I posted the picture before but got different answers.


At 6-8 weeks that is a definite cockerel. I don't remember you posting his age last time, which is why the answers were mixed up.
I posted pictures of my 7 week old cornish chicks a few days ago, but didn't get much response. The thread is called "cornish boys or girls" or something like that, if you want to look at my pictures. I don't know if mine are pullets or roos, and even though their comb sizes varies from almost none to small, none are as big as in your picture, and none of mine have wattles yet. Sorry, I'm not any help; I'm trying to figure mine out too, so I'm really interested to see what others say.
Thanks to both, Illia and his_gal! Actually, I was just guessing the age. We got him/her about 5 weeks ago and looking at the pictures of his_gal's thread mine should be about 12 weeks old. Those cornish chicks at 7 weeks look exactly like mine when we got it 5 weeks ago. So, Illia, does that change things?
By the way, he/she is the size of my full grown already laying Golden Comet and much heavier!
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Even 12 weeks that comb/wattle set plus the red face is too early to be a pullet getting ready to lay. . . A pullet will look like that at 16 weeks and up.

I still say cockerel.

Oh and the neck. Notice how it looks really thin, and the feathers between the neck and shoulders go straight down instead of draping at an angle from the neck to back? That's a young cockerel thing. It's because his hackles aren't quite long enough yet, and are still growing in.

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