Need To Vent...

I would tell 'cowgirl' to pony up the money for replacement of your lost stock. (that were loved pets not just stock). If she won't tell her you are reporting her stock killing varmit of a dog and she can pay that fine instead...along with the promise that the dog will be put down if it kills any of your pets/stock is the law and you have been more than kind and tolerant of her behavior...
No you are not crazy or nuts i would be the exact same way if anything happened to my girls. We (me and my 14 yr old daughter) have become very attached to them. We lost one due to what we think was chilled chick and it all but killed us. We both cried and we had only had her a day! I would request the money to replace the chicks that were killed though. That wont bring them back but it would get you new ones and have dad ask her if something happened to her horse and she cried and buried it would she be over reacting??? Ya know its just a horse.

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