Needing chickens & supplies


Mar 18, 2020
My name is Teresa
It's been years since I raised chickens, so I am looking for some good egg layers. I know that I want about 5 Rhode Island reds, prefer chicks. My husband wants a few egglayers but he wants unusual looking egg laying breed plus older chickens. No roosters. We only want a total of about 10 chickens so difficult to order when they come as chicks 10 to a order. Have beautiful chicken co-op very secure so would like to fill it!
Hello, i've had issues with order limits before too. If you give the place a call, theyll usually let you mix breeds in your order as long as you still are ordering around 12 chicks. They need you to order that many because if they are being shipped they need that warmth of the other chicks. Some colorful egg laying chickens I recommend are marans (dark brown), ameracaunas (green/pink/blue), welsummers (brown speckles) and croad langshans (purple eggs). Good luck!
Where are you?
CL is a good place to start for pullets. Takes the risk out of getting any cockerels plus you don't have as long to wait for eggs.
You can always order the minimum chicks from the hatchery and sell the extras. No more work to raise 25 instead of 10. Covers your loses as well.
Most feed stores are carrying chicks until May. Check them out and tag along a special order if they don't sell the breeds you want.

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