Neighbors dog got my rooster today as he was protecting his hens. Captured on security camera

I am so sorry about your rooster!
Definitely talk about it with your neighbors -- their dog attacked your livestock, and they should answer for it. The dog has committed two offenses; personally, I'd warn the neighbor that "the third time's the charm," and report or even shoot the dog the next -- third -- time that it comes around looking for tasty chooks, assuming that shooting it would be legal in your area.
Good luck with the rest of your flock.
Appreciate all the feedback guys! Let me provide some additional background information. I have lived in the same house for 20 years. When I moved in back then, there was no house across the street from me as I live in a pretty rural area. My neighbors build their house about 18 years ago, so I have known them for that long.

I got a German Sheppard when I first moved in, and he of course "owned" the land across the street since it was just open and nobody lived there. He gave the builders a hard time while the house was being build, and once the neighbors moved in (a female couple), we had an episode where my dog bit one of them in the leg while she was taking out the trash. They called animal control and they came and spoke to them and then came spoke to me. I showed them the vaccination papers for my Shepard and they were in order. They still took me to court, but between the charge and the court date, I build a 700 ft long wooden privacy fence along my road frontage with them. Showed it to the judge and he dropped the case. My Sheppard passed away about 7 years ago.

Had a rocky relationship with them for the next several years, but about 10 year years ago I got married and now have 2 girls aged 8 and 9. We have for the most part mended the relationship with the neighbors at this point, although these 2 chicken episodes was a bit of a setback. We also have a black lap and he also runs around on his own, including over in the neighbors yard. Again this is a very rural area.

It is a private road with a 6 properties on it. Each lot is between 10 and 100 acres. Mine is about 20 acres. I maintain the road as I have the equipment to do so and I also plow it in the winter when we have snow. All my neighbors are very appreciative of what I do to maintain the road and I have an excellent relationship with all of them. Some of them have lived here even longer than me.

My lap is actually protective of the chicks and if they stray too far from the house into the woods on the backside of the house, away from the road. He'll actually go round them up. We also have 3 cats and they couldn't care less about the chickens, even when they were little.

Anyway, I sent a link to the video to my neighbors and they sent me the following response back:

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We feel so bad on so many levels. I didn’t know she would do this. I was at home sick that day and couldn’t do much. I guess there’s some dog instincts. I thought they’d be safe from our dogs with the schedule for Wren. Can’t believe our dogs are responsible for two chickens dying.

I’m sure your girls and you all are sad. Please let us know if we can pay for the chickens and/or help contribute to building materials for the run.

I know there are no guarantees with chickens since they have so many predators, but I don’t want our dogs to be the cause of any more death. The run will give them some outside time free from our dogs and we won’t have to bug you all to coordinate time out.

Take care.

Sent from my iPad
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So I think I'll take them up on their offer to contribute the building the run. I got a lot of questions about how to best approach that and will start a separate thread about that.

Again, really appreciate the feedback everyone but I'd like to resolve this peacefully with the neighbors without getting the authorities involved even though they did take me to court 15 years ago about my dog. Funny how the tables have turned.
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First post here and I wish it was under better circumstances. Just started raising chicks this spring for the first time. Started out with 12 chicks back in the spring and one of them turned out to be a rooster. They just started laying about 2 weeks ago.

I setup up a coop with a very small run (3x7) back when we first got them, which was really way less space than they need. So we started letting them free range which went really well at first, but then the neighbor's dog got one of them about a month ago. We talked to them about it and came up with a plan to coordinate when we let the chicken free range vs. they let their dog out. All was well for the last 3 weeks, but then today we noticed the rooster went missing. Looked all over but couldn't find the poor guy.

On a hunch I checked my security cameras and was very upset with what I found. The neighbors dog was loose today despite our agreement and the chickens were out at the same time. Dog was up on the road and spotted the hens in our driveway and came in after them. But our brave rooster did all he could to keep the dog away, but in the end the dog of course prevailed.

Here's a link to the footage of the brave protector's final few minutes fending off the dog for as long as he could. I'm so proud of him but also very sad at the same time.

Needless to say, I'll be building a larger run for them after this episode as soon as I figure exactly how I'm going to do that given the location of the coop on a somewhat hilly slope.

Again, I really wish it was under better circumstances that I make my first post here, but I felt like I had to share my little guy's valiant effort to scare off the predator in an effort to protect his flock. He gave his life for them and I'm going to do what I can to maintain his legacy and protect the flock.
Well, I have a different take on this than most of you. IF the footage is of a public road, it appears that the rooster and the dog were both out of their respective homes.

In the beginning the dog exhibited very clear indications of "play" not "hunt" characteristics. Its obvious that the dog is a pet but its still a dog with dog type "drives.

Same with the rooster, while the dog first ventured onto your land, the rooster then followed the dog out onto the street and continued to interact with the dog in both a defensive and attacking way.

Finally, the larger, stronger animal took control and ended the confrontation.

Both parties are at fault. Your neighbor should keep his dog in his yard and you should keep your chickens safe and in your yard.

Not worth it to get into a confrontation with your neighbor. Share a beer, discuss it and develop a plan together.

Its a good philosophy not to get mad at chickens or dogs for doing chicken or dog stuff.
I have the same type of situation. We are rural on a dead end side road. We were the only house and at one time on a dirt road in front of our house and the road ended there. Over the years the county extended the road in front of the house and paved it and people bought property and built homes. Each property in our area is several acres. Some people bought a run down abandoned shack that is behind us and renovated it which was at one time part of our property. Some people who originally bought the property and built their house then left it abandoned. The people that bought the shack had 5 dogs. The dogs would come over and run around my chicken pens. I told them about it and ever since they have kept the dogs on their property.
Wow wish my rooster would do that, although he wouldn't stand a chance against the husky that attacked mine. You might also be able to try electric wire and use that as the run/extended run, then let them let their dog out while you are hiding in the yard and put bacon grease on the wire or in an electrified can. Do that 2 or 3 times till it stops running over to your yard. I was going to do this with the neighbors dog but they are getting rid of the dogs I heard so I dont think it will be needed. I dont free range but I have a movable 3 ft chicken wire fence that 2 different dogs jumped, same owner on different occasions, then the dogs got loose 2 times in the past month so he is having problems containing them so he is getting rid of them. Sucks because he spent 2 grand on a invisible electric fence and then had to pay $450 for 6 dead chickens and 5 severely injured, nursed all of them back to health except one that was paralyzed for 2 weeks then I got it to start walking but it couldn't run at all and it killed it the second time.
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Well, I have a different take on this than most of you. IF the footage is of a public road, it appears that the rooster and the dog were both out of their respective homes.

In the beginning the dog exhibited very clear indications of "play" not "hunt" characteristics. Its obvious that the dog is a pet but its still a dog with dog type "drives.

Same with the rooster, while the dog first ventured onto your land, the rooster then followed the dog out onto the street and continued to interact with the dog in both a defensive and attacking way.

Finally, the larger, stronger animal took control and ended the confrontation.

Both parties are at fault. Your neighbor should keep his dog in his yard and you should keep your chickens safe and in your yard.

Not worth it to get into a confrontation with your neighbor. Share a beer, discuss it and develop a plan together.

Its a good philosophy not to get mad at chickens or dogs for doing chicken or dog stuff.
First kill canine.

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