Neighbor's dogs

Thank you so much for all of the helpful information! I sign the lease this week and begin to move in August, I'll talk to him when I get there. There are some required changes of plans if we don't end up free ranging, but it isn't the end of the universe either. There's enough room for a pen near the barn out of reach of the dogs.
I thought you meant hunting dogs. My apologies for assuming things , around here all the dogs are trained hunters. It sounds to me like everything should work out fine. Chickens are sooo much happier when they get to roam free not to mention saving some money on feed never hurt
No harm done. I'm a total noob here, having grown up in NYC. This is all new to me but I'm DIVING in and the people around me who are familiar with birds are surprised at how quickly I'm absorbing information. Mind you, my farm raised mother in law is VERY amused, but she won't be saying no to fresh eggs and chicken. Many times she has said that chicken just doesn't taste the way she remembers. I'd be really happy if I could give her a chicken that tastes RIGHT. If she likes the first batch, maybe I'll give her an IOU for freezer meat for Christmas.

It sounds to me like everything should work out fine. Chickens are sooo much happier when they get to roam free not to mention saving some money on feed never hurt

I'm hopeful. Do you have any idea how much money gets saved by free ranging? It wasn't my reason for wanting to do it, but it's a perk!!!!​
Oh, and who wouldn't do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for free, healthy, natural eggs?
FREE?? Thats cute

I like the idea of neighborly types getting along, him going to the trouble of training his dogs on your behalf, and so on. I really do.
But, when it comes to neighbors, it aint always like we dream it might be. Reality is something else.
Go talk to him and find out the real deal. You might be lucky, you might not. But you will surely know what to plan for, as go-veggie suggests.

Davaroo...between you and a couple others, I am smiling most of the time when I'm on this forum. On the neighbor issue...I know, we live in between the neighbors from HELL...someday I'll post what has all gone on over here and everyone is just not even going to believe it. I hope this situation with this poster and her neighbor with dogs works out I really think it could, but even if if doesn't, it won't be nearly as bad as what we've been throough with our neighbors. Everything does happen for a reason though.
Life is too short to get bent out of shape over details.

Nicely said, Sandra. Oh that all were as amenable as you.

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