nervous about heat bulb in incandescent lamp

Someone on here the other night suggested hot water bottles. Our lows have been -15 to -20 the last few nights - I have a fairly weather-tight coop - but I did try two big tide bottles and a big white vinegar bottle filled with hot water - and the girls are loving them up. I also have hay baled around the north and west sides of the coop (I get free hay
I do have a heat lamp secured but it only has 125 watt bulb in it that I have been turning on for about 5 hours at night when the temperature or the wind chill is below 10 degrees but I think the girls are pretty comfortable. When the weather turns back to temperatures in the 20's or 30's I'll turn the lamp off and just use the water bottles I think. The temperature tonight when I got home was -3 at 6 p.m. The temperature in the coop was just under 20 degrees. I should mention that I also have a big south facing window - so they are like salamanders on hot rocks in there during the day when the sun shines - even at negative digit temperatures. Anyway, my point was, the hot water bottles were a hit and in a small coop that you've made less drafty with the plastic - they may do the trick if you are uncomfortable with the heat lamp.
In a 4x8 you really shouldnt need that much wattage remember the chickens will put alot of heat when in there together. We've had -6 wind chill and I just added one of those little lights you would hang while working on project, it has a metal cage around it and I'm only using a 60watt bulb. and it is plenty warm. In my big coop I have a brooder lamp with only 125 watts. to warm up coop in morning and for a couple hours in the evening.
Its been fairly cold here with daytime temps around 8* and the nights around 0*. With the windchill its been in the negatives. I have two brooder lamps with 250 watt bulbs in the coop because my coop is not the most weather tight one. The coop still stays below freezing. My Rooster has had a respitory problem since I got him last June and this cold weather has not been good to him. That is the other reason I'm running the heat lamps.

I want to reccomend a heater for chickens. it's called sweeter heater. look it up on the internet and also backyard poultry magazine advertised it. I'm worried sick about a coop fire and this was a god send. It uses very little electricity and does not get HOT it gets a little warmer than warm. It takes the chill out of the coop and I sleep well at night knowing the girls are a bit warmer and safe. The temps here and the wind has been brutal.

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