Nervous Nelly? Or vision issue?


May 11, 2024
This baby is VERY squawky and doesn’t like to leave the coop/run to free range with the rest of the flock. It will stand in the run or in the door of the coop and scream for the others. Eventually it’ll come out but still doesn’t like to go as far the others and will repeat the same behavior. Tonight, I picked it up and took it over to join the others and it was fine until the rest of the flock moved. Could it be a vision issue? Or just a nervous nelly?

It's eyes look clear and bright and if it was visually impaired, you'd probably see more signs of it, like walking into things.

Does it have any trouble walking? I'd check that out as maybe something's wrong with a foot or a leg.

It's eyes look clear and bright and if it was visually impaired, you'd probably see more signs of it, like walking into things.

Does it have any trouble walking? I'd check that out as maybe something's wrong with a foot or a leg.
No issues walking. It gets around fine and can keep up with the others when it wants to. Maybe it’s just not as keen to explore 🤷🏼‍♀️

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