Nest box cushioning?

Mine are indoor/outdoor carpeting slanted toward the back. The carpet has foam rubber carpet pad under it in layers, higher layers up front.
You can see them on My Page. The hens seem to like them and laid in them from the beginning. I haven't had to touch them or do anything to them since I built the coops.
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I've used both pine shavings and hay for nest boxes, and shavings work so much better, the hay got pushed to the sides and the eggs broke a lot when layed on the bare wood.
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I use pine shavings as well (also have them on the floor of the coop for easy cleaning). They work great and I can get a huge bag from the local feed store for not much $.
I use spanish moss, but I live in Florida and it is everywhere. I get it off my trees and the girls like it. I did use hay but they were kicking the hay out of the nest boxes along with some eggs, with the spainsh moss they don't kick it out and the eggs stay in the nests.
THNX all. I'd prefer to use the shavings as straw seems to be a special order thing here, not to mention for just 2 nests, I'd rather just buy a one-for-all product! Plus I had thought cleanup might be easier with the shavings!
I use straw in my nests because I use plastic milk crates with holes in them but if I could I would use shavings. Also just to add, I use straw layered on shavings in my brooders.

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