Nest bullying ?


Jul 19, 2021
Lexington, KY
My Coop
My Coop
Hi ya’ll —
I Need to pick your Brains a bit … 🧠 ⛏️

So.. all 4 of my new Silkies, hatched last Spring, are laying right now as well as my 4 original Silkie ladies — I have 2 Omlet Coops, both have nesting areas, the larger coop has a Double nesting area, then the smaller coop has One nesting spot… (3 Total)

I was worried there would be bickering once they were all laying, so I added another external Double nesting box that I’ve placed out in their covered Outdoor Run. (Absolutely NO ONE is even slightly interested in this nesting box tho!)

How do I know if I need to intervene or just leave them alone to iron things out?

Please Check-out these (2) CoopCam video clips & Share your thoughts —


👆🏻In this 1st clip, two silkies are laying together, my showgirl was done laying apparently, so my other girl kicks her right out. Is this excessive bullying?
Theres several eggs in the nest already from the AM layers. — Blossom, the bully in this scenario, isn’t Broody, or I’d chalk it all up to her defending her nest, but that’s not the case, this is actually a good example as to what I’m talking about occurring here in a daily basis.


In this 2nd clip, on the other side of the partition is the double nesting boxes of the Omlet coop. There’s currently 2 Silkies in there, with my only BCM waiting in line… The BCM overstimulated one of the Silkies, causing her to leave her nest before she got to lay
It is normal for them to want the absolute best nesting box, and kick others out. Especially Blossom, the silkie bc they like to sit on eggs. However if it gets bloody and anyone is hurt that’s when you should interfere. Both hens were moderately gentle, letting them know it was their turn, without causing any real damage. I think it’s okay, just make sure they don’t beat to the point of a lot of blood.
It is normal for them to want the absolute best nesting box, and kick others out. Especially Blossom, the silkie bc they like to sit on eggs. However if it gets bloody and anyone is hurt that’s when you should interfere. Both hens were moderately gentle, letting them know it was their turn, without causing any real damage. I think it’s okay, just make sure they don’t beat to the point of a lot of blood.
Okay, this definitely reassures me… Thx! 🙏🏼

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