

12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
What is required of a nest box for a chicken to lay in it? Does it have to have straw or hay in it? Currently, i just have some wooden boxes with 5 sides and a bit of carpet on the bottom. So basically a cube with an open face. I'm afraid the chickens won't lay in them. Thanks.
Yeah my chickens love going into a semi hole and laying an egg and once one does they all love that same hole... I have found more than one egg in that hole. Give it a try...

Oh by the way I love your user name!!!

Gee... My EE (Easter egger) wont lay in it
if it is a slight bit dirty.
And they say that if you don't want them
sleeping in it to put it higher then their roosts.
(chickens like to roost in the highest place possible.)
Otherwise I don't know.
Gee... My EE (Easter egger) wont lay in it
if it is a slight bit dirty.
And they say that if you don't want them
sleeping in it to put it higher then their roosts.
(chickens like to roost in the highest place possible.)
Otherwise I don't know.
Edit to add:
Be sure you put golf balls or plastic easter eggs in it, that will show them where to lay.

O yeah, that to.
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how big af a cube? If it is big enough I would put a 4 inch board across the bottom front to keep bedding inside of box, fill with either straw or wood shavings and they should lay in there.
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Gee... My EE (Easter egger) wont lay in it
if it is a slight bit dirty.
And they say that if you don't want them
sleeping in it to put it higher then their roosts.
(chickens like to roost in the highest place possible.)
Otherwise I don't know.

Actually..chickens like to sleep as high as they can get. If you put your nestboxes higher than your roosts...they will sleep in the boxes and make mucho messes. Put the roosts higher than the boxes to prevent that from happening.

I just love these nest boxes. Flemings I think. You can get them online but I bought at a local farm supply store. Plastic so you can wash them. Really easy to install and remove. I hung one outside when I had to de-louse the coop and they used it right away. The girls have acclimated to it and don't poop in there. Under the poop board it's darker as you can see in the picture and they like that, too. $20 or so each. Worth the expense to me because they are so easy to clean out.

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