Nesting box sizes


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 6, 2010
South Texas
What dimensions should I use to build some for my Barred Rock hens? I think they grow rather large compared to some other chicken breeds.
Are you pressed for space? If not, then I'd go a little bigger than the standard recommendation of 12 x 12. I think mine are about 14x16, and they have turn-around room to get comfy. Several weeks ago, when one girl couldn't "hold it" any longer, she had room to squeeze in behind another hen who was in there, and laid her It was a tight squeeze, but wouldn't have happened at all had I built smaller nest boxes. I can't see any of my hens (listed in my signature) using a 12 x 12 except my EE, because she's a smaller built bird.

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