Nesting box specs


11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
Cleveland, TN
How deep (front to back) should I make my nesting boxes for standard sized birds?? We have welsummers, buff orps, BR, EE, etc. I was thinking about 10" wide and 10"-12" deep. If you think 12" deep would be overkill then I will save on the wood. I have found plenty of pics but just no dimensions.

Also would 4 nesting boxes be enough for 10 hens?? I might could squeeze 5 in the space I have but it would be hard to do much more.

Almost finished with our new coop - progress pics will be up soon, it is 8'x16' and will have 2 8'x10' runs on each end. The "hen house" will be divided inside. One half for our flock of Welsummers and the other half for our mixed flock. We are getting excited - Just have to get the roof on it and complete the runs - hopefully by next weekend it will be done!!
The specs I have read on nest boxes say for large breeds they should be 12'' deep 14'' high and 14'' wide. I would think that for 10 to 12 birds you would only need 3 to 4 nest boxes, max 4. For the small breeds they say about 12'' all the way around is about normal.
I agree with Clemson... I've has BRs and I can tell you they wouldn't fit in a 10" x 10" (or even 12") box. Go with 12x14 at the least for the larger birds (and Buffs are a bit bigger than BRs). 3 nest boxes should be enough for 10 hens... They will probably only use 2 anyway.
I have 10 red sex link hens that are large size. We built four 12" x 14" nest boxes for them.

This year they all have decided to use just one nest box to lay their eggs in. I mean every

single one of them has chosen the exact same box to lay in.
I must admit that it does

make it a bit easier to collect eggs.
But I would still build at least 3 nest boxes.

Last year the girls used all 4 of ours.
I'vegotchickenfever :

Or one big community nest, similar dimensions but no dividers.

WOW...never heard of that.​

I have a friend who uses a community nest. It works just as well as having dividers. His girls

seem to love it.​
I made mine too big.

If I had it to do over again, they would all be 10 X 10 X 10. Mine like small cozy nests.
Well if ya can make sense of this here is what the FAQ on BYC says about size.
5. How big should my nest boxes be? top
For larger breeds, a box 12" high, 12" deep and 14" high is fine.

Mine are 13x13x14h right now I have 2 BR and 1 GSL and they seem to be ok with this but looking at them I don't think I would go any smaller.
BYC also says 1 box per 4 hens and 18 to 24 inches off ground.
Where my 3 hens came from the boxes were on the ground. I put my boxes at 30" to make it easier to gather eggs (dis fat kid don't like to bend down that much) and my hens have taken to the boxes very well. The first egg we got was on the floor but now the 2 BR's use 1 nest and the GSL uses her own.

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