Nesting Box?


Free Ranging
Jan 31, 2020
Hi I was just wondering since I do not have nesting boxes built into my coop what can I use as one? If I don't get any will they just nest on the floor of the coop? I have one of these litter boxes for my bunny and I was wondering if something like this would work if I just put a few in the coop? Note I would put it in there without the plastic flap on the front. If not what could I use? I have a couple old rabbit cages that I could maybe use the bottom tray and just fill it with hay and maybe all 3 would nest in it? Or maybe I could make some kind of cardboard dividers to turn it into 3 seperate nests. Just not quite sure what is required for a nesting box for them to actually use it I want to give them as much incentive as possible to start giving me eggs.


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I just use plastic storage bins, the short ones that are about 6" deep and 2ft long. The cat litter box you have should work great since it's essentially the same thing, you'll probably have to take the whole top off for them to get in it.
We fill ours with straw and the girls like to dig down in it and make their nests.
They usually lay their eggs in the boxes but still wherever they feel like it sometimes.
I just use plastic storage bins, the short ones that are about 6" deep and 2ft long. The cat litter box you have should work great since it's essentially the same thing, you'll probably have to take the whole top off for them to get in it.
We fill ours with straw and the girls like to dig down in it and make their nests.
They usually lay their eggs in the boxes but still wherever they feel like it sometimes.
Alright thanks, I put a few options in there for them hopefully they use them.


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You can try adding dummy eggs to the boxes. Don’t be shocked if they just bury them in the shavings or lay them wherever, especially in the beginning.
Yeah I've been watching carefully while sweeping out the coop just in case but I haven't seen any yet. Hopefully they're not laying them in my bushes during the day lol
Yeah I've been watching carefully while sweeping out the coop just in case but I haven't seen any yet. Hopefully they're not laying them in my bushes during the day lol
Mine do that too, especially in the spring. But if they are new to laying they usually lay all over the place. I don't think they know what is happening. The get better. It helps if you can leave them locked in until later in the morning.
Alright thanks, I put a few options in there for them hopefully they use them.
That's fantastic, they will love it! Plus they will have fun rummaging through the straw.
That is pretty much exactly what we have set up. I think ours prefer the straw to lay their eggs in and know it's different than the wood shavings. They rarely ever poop in their nesting areas so it keeps our eggs cleaner too 😊
Update: Still no eggs but the girls at least appear to be laying in the nests to sleep at night. Some dummy eggs that I ordered online came in today so I put a few of them back in the nests. 2 out of 3 of my girls seem pretty interested in them. Hopefully that will give them the encouragement they need to start laying .-.

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