Nesting Boxes

Rooster Don

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 24, 2013
Westlake Hills (Austin) Texas
I have a two story fort that is converted to a chicken coop, all open air with chicken wire wrapped around it. I have a chicken coop that I attached to it where the hens roost. I have a large fenced in area for free ranging.

I am purchasing old nesting boxes to put "somewhere" and and wondering the best place to put them.
So I am wondering if they would be better on the second floor (there is a ramp), or first floor, or if it is okay to put them up against the fence where they free range?

Would they prefer to lay in one place or the other (typically) or does it really matter? I am not sure if they will go up the ramp to lay unless this would be a preferred place for them since it is up in the air and safe.

Any suggestions and comments would be great. Thank you. (both photos are of the same fort).
Cool setup!
Where are they laying now? They will lay wherever you provide a nice place for them to do so, and from what I've read, lots of other places too! Haha.
I'd put them somewhere that is convenient for YOU to collect the eggs. Think of when it's hot; somewhere shaded and cool, when it's rainy, somewhere dry... When/if the girls need to be locked up all day & they will have access to the boxes....
And put the boxes there.
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Cool setup!
Where are they laying now? They will lay wherever you provide a nice place for them to do so, and from what I've read, lots of other places too! Haha.
I'd put them somewhere that is convenient for YOU to collect the eggs. Think of when it's hot; somewhere shaded and cool, when it's rainy, somewhere dry... When/if the girls need to be locked up all day & they will have access to the boxes....
And put the boxes there.
I agree with this. Put something it somewhere that is convenient for both of you, and also keep in mind predators. You don't want to have it somewhere where it will leave your hens vulnerable when laying, sometimes it can take a hen a while to lay an egg, and you want to have it somewhere where they will feel safe sitting there for a while. I know some chickens like to roost up high during night to feel safe from predators below, but they don't generally make nests in trees, they make them on the ground, so I would suggest doing it on the lower level it'd probably be more "natural" for them. Also, if you add some brush the boxes they are going to feel safer there.

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