Nesting trouble


5 Years
Jun 19, 2014
My chickens are 20 weeks old and every time I clean their coop and put fresh straw in the boxes they take it all out. Just was wondering if anyone had any ideas why?
I tried shavings, shredded newspaper and they ate it like popcorn! I have sand in their nests --and in coop and run..has worked well for me. But I'm in a warm climate zone.

Maybe they are pulling it out to see what is underneath?
I tried shavings, shredded newspaper and they ate it like popcorn! I have sand in their nests --and in coop and run..has worked well for me. But I'm in a warm climate zone.

Maybe they are pulling it out to see what is underneath?

And, Welcome to The Flock!
That would be my guess. They are looking for treats! Make the container deeper so that it doesn't get scratched out as easily. I put shavings in the bottom and some hay on top in one and just shavings in the others. They will settle down when 1) they don't find treats, and 2) when they are in there to lay and egg. Right now, they are trying to figure out what that little box is for!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

They may be looking for seeds and things in the fresh bedding, however I think there is another reason...

Pullets will do this just before they are going to lay!! Are they squatting for you? Are the combs, faces and wattles big and red? They may be gearing up to lay any time now. One of my 20 week old BR's is doing this this week...kicking the fake eggs out of the box, scratching everything out, dragging the curtains into the box...I hope you see some eggs soon!!

Enjoy your flock and welcome to ours!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Chickens sure do like to re-arrange their nesting boxes. If you have a good size bottom lip on the box (I like 4-6" or so) it really helps keep the nesting material inside.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

They may be looking for seeds and things in the fresh bedding, however I think there is another reason...

Pullets will do this just before they are going to lay!! Are they squatting for you? Are the combs, faces and wattles big and red? They may be gearing up to lay any time now. One of my 20 week old BR's is doing this this week...kicking the fake eggs out of the box, scratching everything out, dragging the curtains into the box...I hope you see some eggs soon!!

Enjoy your flock and welcome to ours!

I have a few that they are real red but I'm embarrassed to say I thought those were the roosters. Boy do I have a lot to learn. I have been doing tons of research on how to tell them apart but can't seem to figure it out.
That would be my guess. They are looking for treats! Make the container deeper so that it doesn't get scratched out as easily. I put shavings in the bottom and some hay on top in one and just shavings in the others. They will settle down when 1) they don't find treats, and 2) when they are in there to lay and egg. Right now, they are trying to figure out what that little box is for!

Thank you!

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