Never seen worms like this before

though soft and white, about 1/2" long and maybe 2mm in width, round-bodied, no legs.
Like thousands of types of insect larvae.

I am just puzzled
I am too.
There is a way to ID them. But you need very close and clear photos of both mouth and hind end.
There are insect ID groups on Facebook that have some very experienced advisors.

I think you can be pretty confident that the larvae did not come from inside your birds.
I remember that.....IIRC no conclusion was drawn.
Yes, you are right, there was no conclusion. I think it is interesting the larvae were in both cases in the water bowl. I have seen a lot of worms, maggots and larvae over time, but never in water bowls and never in such cold temperatures. From my experience they need warmer temperatures and they drown in water. I have no idea what those in both of the threads could be :idunno
Those in that thread look just like the ones I found. Fungus gnat larvae look very similar, but these are about twice the size. Wet conditions would lean toward something similar. I hope it's not a biting, blood-sucking fly. I could have put some under the microscope if I hadn't stomped on them, lol. I'll just have to pay closer attention to the birds for now.
Yes, you are right, there was no conclusion. I think it is interesting the larvae were in both cases in the water bowl. I have seen a lot of worms, maggots and larvae over time, but never in water bowls and never in such cold temperatures. From my experience they need warmer temperatures and they drown in water. I have no idea what those in both of the threads could be :idunno
And it was mentioned the water bowl is heated. Sounds to me like the environment under and immediately around the bowl may be prime for flying insect egg laying.

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