Never start a War with the neighbors-Advice Needed

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When we bought our home (So. Cal) it was disclosed to us that the entire second story was added without a permit. They had some buyers that backed out because of it. We didn't care as we had it inspected and it was built to code, just no permits were pulled. HOWEVER, when we move we will also be obligated to disclose to any future buyers OR to have it legally permitted. We won't be able to sell it otherwise.

I can't imagine that you have to have the porch permitted right now, only when you get ready to sell.

Last summer my son bought a home. The first one he offered on had an illegal add-on. The title company would not allow the sale to close without a permit being acquired. The house was bank-owned, and they were unwilling to pay the cost, so my son would have had to--at about 10K, and that is assuming that everything passed inspection, which I doubt considering the condition of the add-on. He bailed and found a much nicer home jsut down the street. Not bank owned, and in much better condition for about the same price. Virtually identical floorplan (excluding the add-on).

I'm willing to bet code enforcement was on that before the bank took possession of the house, and the bank had to tell you. What sucks is when they find about it after the sale has been completed and the buyer otherwise had no idea whatsoever because it was not disclosed.
I like your way of thinking out of the box as in cases like this, but you gotta understand I'm dealing with renters, not the property owners, and what's done is done. Even if it was the owners living there I want nothing to do with them. I'm in a huge financial mess because of this and I'm not about to be nice to a family that's put me in this position. Thanks for your idea though.
I like your way of thinking out of the box as in cases like this, but you gotta understand I'm dealing with renters, not the property owners, and what's done is done. Even if it was the owners living there I want nothing to do with them. I'm in a huge financial mess because of this and I'm not about to be nice to a family that's put me in this position. Thanks for your idea though.

Yeah, I hear ya. It was just a suggestion. I still think killing them with kindness at this point (or at least refraining from an attitude toward them) will help to ward off future hostility. Good luck with it all.
That is bs. I say get a lawyer and sue the realtor, the previous owners, Home Depot, sue everyone. I would be beyond peed about that. There has got to be something else that can be done. You had very important information with held from you when you bought the house.

i would also get the media involved some how. I just don't understand how something that was done before you bought the house can be your responsiblity.

For Petes sake, this attitude is why our country is in the mess its in.

Nathhowe, how bout this . . .
Just take that old deck apart, go get your permit, rebuild the deck to code, and move on with your life, you and your family will be better off for it . . .

That family did not put you in your financial predicament, you did- we have already established that

I really think that Laurajean has the correct approach to resolving any future problems.

Chock this one up as a lesson learned.
Although it sucks in the very least to have to go through all this, I don't feel it is Home Depots responsibility to inform owners when they buy a shed that they need to get a permit. They are a national chain and sell pretty much the same products everywhere. Laws are different everywhere and constantly changing. The homeowner needs to find out when permits are needed. Here I would not need a permit for the same item unless I planned to put it on a cement slab. I do think it was wrong that your house was able to be purchased with an illegal addition. I hope this all works out in the long run and you get a new better porch.
Last summer my son bought a home. The first one he offered on had an illegal add-on. The title company would not allow the sale to close without a permit being acquired. The house was bank-owned, and they were unwilling to pay the cost, so my son would have had to--at about 10K, and that is assuming that everything passed inspection, which I doubt considering the condition of the add-on. He bailed and found a much nicer home jsut down the street. Not bank owned, and in much better condition for about the same price. Virtually identical floorplan (excluding the add-on).

I'm willing to bet code enforcement was on that before the bank took possession of the house, and the bank had to tell you. What sucks is when they find about it after the sale has been completed and the buyer otherwise had no idea whatsoever because it was not disclosed.

The inspector found it out. The roof to the addition was in terrible shape, and had leaked in and done a lot of damage to the wall. I looked at the foundationa and had questions about the work quality even before the inspector told DS that it was likely unpermitted. A quick check with the city and....

Nope, no code inspectors were aware of it, THEN.
I might be wrong, but I thought stuff like this is why you have title insurance?

As far as stuff done before you bought the place not being your problem, sorry it is, how would the problems ever be solved if it wasn't the owners responsibility? But I believe title insurance should cover the cost of bringing it to compliance.

Yes starting a war with the neighbors is not a good move, tit-4-tat just makes a mess.

For Petes sake, this attitude is why our country is in the mess its in.

Nathhowe, how bout this . . .
Just take that old deck apart, go get your permit, rebuild the deck to code, and move on with your life, you and your family will be better off for it . . .

That family did not put you in your financial predicament, you did- we have already established that

I really think that Laurajean has the correct approach to resolving any future problems.

Chock this one up as a lesson learned.

Honey it is more than "this attitude" that has screwed up this Country. Why should someone pay for what someone else failed to do?

So if I built a 10 stall horse barn, didn't pull the permits that needed to be pulled then sold the property and the town comes in and tell the new owners that the barn has to be torn down because the previous owners did it illegally and now the new owners have to pay fines and rebuild how is that right? Someone please explain that to me.

It all comes down to ignorant neighbors that think they can do what every they want and when they get called out on something they get all bent out of shape and have to retaliate.

Do you have extra money floating around to put up a new screen porch for Nathhowe? Because they are not cheap.
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