Never start a War with the neighbors-Advice Needed

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For Petes sake, this attitude is why our country is in the mess its in.

Nathhowe, how bout this . . .
Just take that old deck apart, go get your permit, rebuild the deck to code, and move on with your life, you and your family will be better off for it . . .

That family did not put you in your financial predicament, you did- we have already established that

I really think that Laurajean has the correct approach to resolving any future problems.

Chock this one up as a lesson learned.

Honey it is more than "this attitude" that has screwed up this Country. Why should someone pay for what someone else failed to do?

So if I built a 10 stall horse barn, didn't pull the permits that needed to be pulled then sold the property and the town comes in and tell the new owners that the barn has to be torn down because the previous owners did it illegally and now the new owners have to pay fines and rebuild how is that right? Someone please explain that to me.

It all comes down to ignorant neighbors that think they can do what every they want and when they get called out on something they get all bent out of shape and have to retaliate.

Do you have extra money floating around to put up a new screen porch for Nathhowe? Because they are not cheap.

1- a buyer should have checked for any permits that would be needed, I dont know anyplace in the country where you can build a deck attached to any house without one . . .

2- it may not be right, but it falls into the above answer.

3- that is exactly what you are doing now to me- gettin bent(thru your own ignorance/emotion) and retaliating- for being logical . . .

4- yes, but i didnt buy that house or call code enforcement on his neighbors . . .

I think everyone is entitled to their opinions, but what you think is right/wrong doesnt matter, what the laws say does.
You suggesting to sue everyone that is the least bit involved is a great suggestion . . .
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A first time homeowner does not necessarily know thse things--if the property was inspected before closing, the inspector should have caught it. Getting a permit AFTER the fact often has penalties built into the permit cost. At the very least, she has a claim against the seller for not disclosing that the porch was not permitted. Depending on the specific wording and state law, she may have a claim against the title company (who would then claim against the seller).
If you have a loan out on this house - then a city inspection was REQUIRED by the bank that issued the loan. Talk to your mortgage company before sueing anyone. If the deck was on the house at the time of purchase and you purchased the property "as is". Then you owe nothing to anyone. The city will have to "eat" the permit. But you can guarentee that they will raise your property taxes as the deck might raise the value of the house.
Honey it is more than "this attitude" that has screwed up this Country. Why should someone pay for what someone else failed to do?

So if I built a 10 stall horse barn, didn't pull the permits that needed to be pulled then sold the property and the town comes in and tell the new owners that the barn has to be torn down because the previous owners did it illegally and now the new owners have to pay fines and rebuild how is that right? Someone please explain that to me.

It all comes down to ignorant neighbors that think they can do what every they want and when they get called out on something they get all bent out of shape and have to retaliate.

Do you have extra money floating around to put up a new screen porch for Nathhowe? Because they are not cheap.

1- a buyer should have checked for any permits that would be needed, I dont know anyplace in the country where you can build a deck attached to any house without one . . .

2- it may not be right, but it falls into the above answer.

3- that is exactly what you are doing now to me- gettin bent(thru your own ignorance/emotion) and retaliating- for being logical . . .

4- yes, but i didnt buy that house or call code enforcement on his neighbors . . .

I think everyone is entitled to their opinions, but what you think is right/wrong doesnt matter, what the laws say does.
You suggesting to sue everyone that is the least bit involved is a great suggestion . . .

Last I know it was not the buyers responsiblity to check for permits for an already inplace structure. I have bought two houses and both times the realtor checked to make sure everything was in place. The only thing I did, because I wanted to know ASAP was to call the zoning to make sure horses and chickens were allowed and this was done before we even looked at the house.

I do believe if she has to remove the screen porch then yes she should be able to sue both the previous owner and the realtor. They did not hold up their part of the deal. She bought a house with a screened porched and has been being taxed on it since she bought it. Maybe the town should give her back the taxes she paid on it if it is not supposed to be there.

Also, had the police done their job and warned the neighbors about the loud music and such she would not of had to of called the enforcment office. She did say she called them, but nothing was done about it.
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