New additions to my flock


Mar 21, 2019
Gresham, Wisconsin
I have 9 hens that I just purchased 2 weeks ago who had just finished or are in the middle of molting. I’ve kept them segregated from the others to make sure they do not have any diseases and such that they can pass on to my flock. 7 of 10 have been laying eggs from day 1 of my getting them.

My question is should I keep them separated until all their feathers grow back? I do have cockerel that have been eyeing them up and doing their mating dance waiting for them to join the rest. My flock is free ranged otherwise.
That's not from molting. That looks like feather picking. I'd keep the cockerel away for now.
According to the vet it’s a combination of both over mating and molting. He said that since they are Jersey Giants they will molt more often. Also, they did start their molting around 17 months old.

Since I got them they have not been around the boys at all. They’ve actually been feathering back out nicely. When I got them they had almost no feathers.

Anyway, should I wait until they are fully feathered before I integrate them with my current flock? I have around 50 chickens, not including them.
Ditto Dat.

That's not true, all chickens have one adult molt per year.

sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner but I’ve been in the middle of a rescue of chickens, ducks and turkeys.

If the feathers are not falling out from molting then what are they falling out from? These birds were completely bald when I got them and most of them are almost fully feathered out now. I’ve only had them for about three weeks now here’s an updated picture. Is there something else that I should be looking for? I didn’t find any mites or anything like that.

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