new additions will not go outside?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Bozeman, MT
Fellow BYC,
So I purchased my first run of chick this year and went overboard on everything 25 chicks, huge reclaimed farm building for the coop,Re sized the yard, etc..... Then i found a breeder of Marans that I really wanted and he sold me 6 pullets and 2 amazing roosters. These additions are about 2 months older than the first lot and are about ready to lay in the next few weeks. I did the quarantine for 30 days and then slowly introduced them all. They are getting along, but one question. The Marans are not going out side or roosting. The sleep in the shavings and never go out the pop door. Is this normal and should I try to" teach them"?

Bozeman, mt
If you just introduced them to the coop, it might take a while.

If it were me, I'd go out at night and set each one up on a roost. It's just not healthy to lay in the shavings at night. Eventually they'll wander out. Guess you could put some treats by the door to get their attention.

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