New and concerned


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2019
Hi all! I have started with raising chicks. Now that we have a farm, I am so excited to be doing this, but also trying to learn everything. I have about 5 week old chicks, They have been growing like crazy. Just in the last day though, I have noticed that they are scratching ALOT. I have looked at their skin trying to see if I see mites or other bugs, can't see anything. their skin is quite pinkish, almost red in places. I think they are also getting their new feathers too, so I don't if I should be concerned or not. Several of them are also laying to the side when sitting down. They just seem to be fidgety and itching. I have put a box in the pen with dry dirt and sand and some wood ash for a dust bath but I don't think they have figured that one out yet. They are not old enough to be in the outdoor coop and pen so they are still in our garage in a 4 x 8 wire pen. I just want to do what is right and if I should be concerned or do something different, please someone let me know. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!
Welcome to BYC.
:yesss: We are glad you joined this flock!
Jump right in and make yourself at home.
Do you have added heat on them?
New feathers coming in can make them scratch some so if you aren't seeing bugs I would blame the feathers for now.

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Coop Ideas:
Chicken Coops.

What exactly did you Google to get here? <<<<<<<<<<<

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Aloha and welcome to BYC! Congratulations on your new farm. Chickens are awesome!
Wise words from the above posts. Good to assume it is the new feathers for now. My 4 week olds are itchy-scratchy too and their fat little bodies are either moving or relaxing, sometimes on their sides. It is good that you checked them out and checked in with BYC. Trust your instincts. We will see you around the site!! ;)
At this age, they're trying to get rid of the down and grow into their feathers... A cheap-o dollar-store shoe box filled with plain ol' sand will work wonders for them to scrub off the down and ease their itch. The sand doubles as grit, so I toss in a small handful of milo seed (cheap cheap bird seed, little round seeds) to get them used to the idea of scratching around in the box, sand bathing usually follows soon thereafter.
Laying on their side, feet outstretched is a classic 'taking a bath' pose, but I've also seen it with birds that are VERY comfortable in their environment as they take a sun bath.

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