New And From Ohio!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 15, 2014
Hello all! My name is Tiffany and as the title states I'm from Ohio. I've had chickens in the past but only for meat. Around 5 weeks ago I purchased a barred rock and a golden comet and started our adventure with laying hens. I am not sorry to say I think I am now addicted. As of Monday we added 3 Ameracuanas, another barred rock and I think she is a golden comet but she could also be a buff Orpington (the guy wasn't there to ask and she was so cute we just took her). My darling husband who is surprisingly on board with my newest love dedicated the back of his barn for my coop. They have a large outside run that we're debating putting a roof of chicken wire over for hawk protection. I'm excited for this summer when the girls can go outside and peck around! It's nice to be here and I can't wait to meet everyone!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! A covered run is a good idea. Hawks can be terrible pests and once they know there is an easy food supply in your chicken run, they'll stick around.

Enjoy the site!
Welcome to BYC :frow  Glad you joined us! A covered run is a good idea. Hawks can be terrible pests and once they know there is an easy food supply in your chicken run, they'll stick around.

Enjoy the site!

I think that's the way were leaning. I would hate to lose them when it's such an easy thing to do.

Welcome to BYC!

X2 on the covered run. Hawks are everywhere even though you rarely even see them. It is not worth the sadness of losing your babies when it is easy to cover the run.

Enjoy this new adventure you are on. If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations and good luck with your new flock! X3 on covering the run if you can.
Hello from a fellow Ohioan! Glad you joined us. It sounds like you are already learning some "chicken math".
It's so tempting to keep adding just a few more!

If you're able to add chicken wire over the run, it does add a nice level of security from those overhead predators. I don't know what part of Ohio you are in, but if you get a lot of snow, you might need to be aware of whether the wire can withstand a weight of snow on it in the winter months.

Hope you enjoy the site as much as I do! It's a great community!

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