New and New Peeps!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 13, 2010
Hi all! I just got a shipment of peeps from Ideal Poultry, but I'm a little confused and I think I want to be upset. I ordered 3 Ameraucana, 2 Yokohama, and 2 Silver Wyandotte. I got my order and thought I might have gotten an extra Ameracauna, since there were 4 with chipmunk markings, but since reading up, I believe these are OEG.
Here are pics of them.

11 chicks are this kind. Silvery black with yellow markings on the head and neck.

Only yellow chick included in order. I'm thinking this might be an Ameraucana.

A golden chipmunkish chick

Another chipmunkish chick, silvery in color.

A close up of the chicks in one corner or their brooder. This is the 11 other unknown chicks

So, does anyone know what I have? I'll love them the same, but I'm gonna be disappointed if I didn't get what I ordered.
Thanks for the welcome. I love them already, and I'm dreading when the "free" chicks turn out to be roos and I have to get rid of my new babies

Another interesting thing... I have 2 poodles, one is a toy (he's deformed and has legs as long as a miniature poodle) and a mini. The toy has taken to guarding the brooder, growling and attacking the mini if he comes too close, and laying down whining at the brooder if the peeps peep too loud. The toy is a birder (he chases birds and attacks them if he can) so we thought this was a strange behavior from him. (and yes, he's a he, which we found strange since he shouldn't have "mothering" instincts lol). Just thought this was interesting
95% of the freebies, also refered to as "packing peanuts", are boys.

Yours look like either black sexlinks or Barred Rocks.

The yellow one is an Easter egger, the one below that looks like an EE too, and the next one is a SL Wyandotte.

So in other words, I didn't get what I ordered even though they marked them as sent on the invoice, correct? Man, that's a disappointment. I was looking forward to my Yokohamas.

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