new baby not doing well


10 Years
Jun 25, 2009
I got 12 chicks from Tractor Supply yesterday.

They are doing great except for one. He's listless, tries to sleep all the time and will only move if I pick him up.
I understand he will probably die, but is there anything I can try?

I don't have any yogurt
After my disaster today ( see my post) we now have a 2nd not doing well. We got ours at Tractor Supply too. I understand it is most likely due to our little accident, probably got hurt in it. We had 6, may be down to 4. The first one got trampled, this one is just kind of hanging around. Not with the other chicks at all. Kind of lifeless but still standing up.

Never thought owning chicks would be so hard.
When I get a listless chick I make a mixture and force feed them. It has always worked for me. There is not an exact recipe:
Put warm water in some chick starter to make a soft "mash", boil 1 egg ( I cook mine in the microwave, it's way faster and time is important), 1 spoonful of sugar and blend in a blender until smooth. Then I hold the chick and will put some food in its mouth. Usually after a few bites I will hold a spoonful up to the chick's beak and it will begin eating on it's own. Be careful not to squirt the food in the mouth, it may cause the chick to choke or aspirate. I use this anytime I have one that is lethargic or when I get a package of babies thru the mail. Good luck!
never mind, he died.

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