New Backyard Chicken Farmer


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Just introducing myself! We're a couple with an 11 year old daughter living in the San Francisco Bay Area. We live in the East Bay, bordering Berkeley, and are new to keeping chickens. We got the idea from one of our daughter's friends, who is from France where this is a bit more "normal." We thought it would be a good experience for our daughter, learning about sustainable living, and how to understand and appreciate where our food comes from. In just 6 months, we have learned a lot. We lost our first 2 pullets to raccoons - and thus learned how to really protect our hens. Then we learned that one of our hens was a rooster, which didn't please our neighbors, and we had to find a farm-home for him, because our daughter wasn't ready to learn about raising chickens for food. Now we have 3 hens, each almost 6 months old, and they are just now beginning to lay eggs. We have a Black Jersey Giant (she's a BIG girl); a Buff Orpington; and what we assume is an "Easter Egger." I don't know if she is an Araucana, or an Ameraucana, or a "mutt," or what... She lays bright green/blue eggs (just started), is gold and black, small and flighty, has funny sideburns, no comb, and does have tail feathers. Any guesses? Anyway, we LOVE our new hobby, but also look forward to connecting to other urban chicken farmers, because we feel a little bit like the neighborhood freaks. THANKS!
We are just up the road from you near Pinole. You may want to check out the Bay Area BYCers! thread and the California - Northern thread in the Where am I? Where are you! section. A lot of good chicken people there.
Welcome! I'm in Sunnyvale, and we have at least half a dozen backyard chickenfarmers within a half mile of here. It's great.

Definitely check out the Bay Area BYCers thread! And again,
from Ohio

You probably have what is called an Easter Egger if she came from a hatchery. Once you can post pictures you might get an opinion here.

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