New, but not new

Hi, My name is Dixie. We've had a backyard flock for 3 years now. Earlier this month our flock was almost wiped out by ?fox? in the middle of the day while free ranging-we were in the house. I'm impatiently awaiting an order of 10 babies coming next week. We have a mixed flock: Blue Andalusian, Australorp, Rhode Island Red with Barred Rock, Barnevelder, Welsummer, EE, BCM, Cuckoo Marans, Cream Legbar, and **Blue-bar Blue Egger** arriving next week. I started the chicken obsession for bug control in my yard, loved their personalities, loved getting the eggs and my family/friends/coworkers loved that too. I've learned from BYC posts for various ideas, but hadn't joined until now.
wave high happy.gif

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