New Call duck pen (almost finished), and new Calls! PIC HEAVY!


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
Kildare, Wisconsin
I've been slaving away the past week on a new Call duck pen. It's almost finished now - just needs to be stained to match our deck, needs some trim in a few places, and the entire "house" is going to be shingled...the ducks are locked in the house overnight; I realize that the chicken wire isn't predator-proof, but it's only meant to keep them in. We don't have a problem with daytime predators here (we have our 4 big dogs running all over the place during the day, and nothing messes with them!), just raccoons and one pesky skunk overnight.

Anyways, I was going to wait until it was completely finished before I shared it with everyone, but after a 7-hour round trip in the car yesterday, I brought home 4 gorgeous new Calls from duckluck to put in the new pen, and I just had to share!
Thank you so much again, duckluck, they're perfect! Here they are waiting for me to finish hinging the doors on before I put them in the new pen last night:



And here they are this morning, all moved in - the two pairs had never met before; there was about 5 minutes of feather-pulling last night, when the Whites established that they are the head birds of the flock, and now all is peaceful this morning. The kitty-litter pan for a pool is temporary - they're getting a bigger under-the-bed storage tote to swim in just as soon as I make it to the store!


The pair of Whites are named "Ollie" & "Mia", and the pair of Butterscotch are named "Butternut" & "Ellie Mae". They're all still pretty young, around 2 months old.



The new pen is portable, but it takes 2-4 strong people to lift it and move it to a new place. The ground where it's sitting now isn't 100% level, so I put some sandstones (which we have a plentiful supply of here!) in any little gaps I saw around the bottom. I didn't use any wire or flooring in the "run" area of the pen, because I want them to be able to eat grass and muck in the dirt unhindered!


After the long trip in the car yesterday, they sure were happy to see that pan of water this morning! They got down to business washing, primping, and preening right away!



Hope you all enjoyed! Once I get the pen completely finished, I'll add some more pictures of it. It's 6'x8' and approx. 4' tall, each end is hinged from the bottom to open, and held at the top with old-fashioned window clips (as is the little "duckie door" that the ducks use to get in and out)...the floor of the house is white acrylic, which will clean up really nice...I used mostly scraps we had lying around from other projects, so the whole thing, after all the hardware, cost about $40 to build. Here are a few pictures I snapped during construction:


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That is GREAT !!!!!!!!!
THEY are beautiful.... so now WE are also related LOL MY 4 Calls are
also from DuckLuck... (13 hr round trip) lol I need to get some updated pics posted.. can u tell
male / female yet??
Yay! Yep, we're family now.

And yes, they're a male/female pair in each color - I bought them as pairs. I can hear the girl's voices, and the Butterscotch drake is just starting to molt into nuptial can see he's a little darker, and I can see the slate-gray color just starting to come in on his head!
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so . are u going to keep them 4 together...??? thats been my ?
I have 2 males / 2 females... wil they over mate the girls.... mine
are just now getting frisky and I know most ducks u need more
girls for the boys... Ive been watching for signs of overmating and
havent seen any yet..!!
Yay! BEAUTIFUL pics, and so glad to see they're getting such nice digs in their new home! I really like the first pic of the Butters's rare to see a picture of any Call ducks that shows off the gorgeous eyes! It was very nice to meet you and your family and I am so glad to see my "kids" getting such nice homes!

I'm gathering a pretty cool Call duck "family" here to go with the one I have here at home!
I'm going to have to start a scrap book or something of "Neat Duck Habitats My Children Have Gone off To" or something! I had a local lady come this week and take a few ducks who has a really neat pond she has built for them too, in addition to their house; I've never seen the like of it, and she too built it herself. I never thought I would take up scrapbooking, but I can see it might be in my future! My husband is even talking about wanting a pond now...
I'll keep them all together for now...I have some younger Calls (two girls and another boy) that I'll probably add to the pen in another week or so, and another White drake I might add in for the winter if the boys can be gentlemen and not over-sex the girls! I'm planning to build different pens sometime between this fall and next spring so that I can separate them by color; or, it would be really easy to divide this pen in half with a chunk of plywood in the house, and a few 2x4's and some welded wire down the middle of the run (except I'd probably have to replace the front wall of the house to put in 2 doors instead of 1)...I'm pretty handy, I'll figure it all out.

For now, they're too young to think about over-breeding, and they're safe in a pen at night. I'll deal with gender ratio problems when we get there!

Anyways, I just snapped a few more pictures. Bear with me here, I'm just smitten with them.

When I go out in the yard and say, "Hi pretty ducks!", the little white female says, "QUACK QUACK...QUACK-QUACK" back at me!




And I just love the Butterscotch girl you picked out, duckluck, she's gorgeous! I was a little iffy about getting them, but the second I saw them I fell in love! We kept pulling over at rest-stops on the way home so that I could give them little dishes of ice water to dabble in.


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