New chcken mama!


6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
My husband decided to surprise me with 5 chicks and an almost completed coop on Monday. We have two Ameraucanas, two Jersey Giants, and a Welsummer (kind of my favorite so far but don't tell the others). I was really hesitant at first but the more I read the more excited I am! However, I was poking around on here reading about "egg songs" and am now worried my neighbors will hate us when they start laying. We live in a development. How loud are talking here on average? Like vacuum cleaner volume? Table saw kind of volume? I'm in new territory here and I have a hard time adjusting to unknowns. Thanks!
We are allowed to have chickens in city limits but no rooseters. We thought our Welsummer might be a rooster but it turned out she was just a week old than the others. Our neighbors are great (we are on a corner lot so we just have one neighbor) but a small yard is a small yard. I doubt our chickens will be louder than their beagle with separation anxiety :0) Do they make much noise when they aren't laying other than clucking around? I'm sure that depends on breed and personality too.

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