New Chick from Florida


8 Years
May 22, 2011
Hi everyone it seems every time i did a search on anything chicken related BYC always popped up
Right now the farm has about give or take 60 chickens i plan on doing a chicken count this evening after that hot sun has gone down anyone from Florida should know its horrible!We have Rhode Island Reds,Barred Rocks,White Wyandottes and Australorps and I think maybe we have some Red sex link hens cause my last hatch i had a dark red chick with a black stripe down its back and i got on feathersite and saw the same chick as i have and says its a hen or Bull of The Woods AKA our Rhode Rooster mated with the wyandottes and produced our own red sex links i saw the strain it said you use a rhode daddy and a white mama and i have 33 eggs in the incubator right now but i havent candled them yet
Welcome from another Floridian. Yes, it is very hot and I guess, only a sign of what's to come. Welcome to summer although I don't think it's been declared summer yet, has it?
from Connecticut! You seem to have the chicken math thing under control, let us know if we can help with anything else.

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