New chick from Tennessee


7 Years
Jul 11, 2016
Hello! I just joined this forum today after reading many posts through Google Search. Y'all seem like a great bunch! We have a small backyard flock of 6 right now - 4 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Black Australorps. Our hope is to add some Guineas sometime soon. We have never had those, so we have a lot to learn first.

Background: We started out in Indiana with chickens (8 Ameraucanas) until we moved states away and couldn't bring them. :( For 5 years we lived in places that wouldn't allow them. Now, unexpectedly, we are back out in the country in an new state AGAIN. This time hopefully to stay. lol We were planning on doing chickens again, but were going to wait a while until we saw a post on Freecycle from someone who bought some at a Farmer's Market and decided not to keep them. So, we scooped them up and brought them home.

We are raising/homeschooling 5 kidlets along with our chicks. We are an animal loving family that was rehabbing wild animals in between our chicken raising days.

Our coop:

And our flock:
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. Congrats in getting back into chickens and I hope that you enjoy being a member as much as the rest of us.

Best wishes
Hi and welcome to BYC! Looks like a very nice coop and flock! Thanks for joining us!
Hi and
You didn't mention what part of TN but there is a Tennessee thread and a Middle TN thread and an East TN thread and a West TN thread, TN is weird like that. There are also state fairs in East, Middle, and West TN.

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