New chick on the block...


11 Years
Jan 1, 2009
Hello everyone, I'm fairly new here, but because I do my blogging at work, I haven't been on the forum for a while - and don't remember if I properly introduced myself. I'm still learning, so if I get redundant, please forgive!

I am looking forward to chick season, and I hear that they'll be arriving in another week or so. I'm sure I've worn out my welcome at the local feed store because I go in asking if the Silkies have arrived yet...
I heard through the grapevine that you can sex a chick by holding it like you'd hold a kitten, (by the scruff) and if it kicks- it's a boy, but if it goes slack, that's a girl. If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to bring home two boys and have to find new homes for them.
I grew up with chickens- mostly Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds, and a couple of the hens would invite themselves into our house to lay eggs! I loved holding them and feeling their soft warmth, looking at their little eyes studying my face, and the soft purring sounds they made.
I live in a rural town, and am only wanting small chickens as indoor pets ( whats a little poop on the couch now and then right? ) - so Silkies seemed like the ideal choice.
I welcome any advice! I especially want to know how to guarantee two hens if that is at all possible.
Sadie - run by a turtle, 4 rats, 2 dogs, 1 frog, 3 boy humans and one man. (and soon two hens)

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