New chick questions


11 Years
Sep 20, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hi All,
I am getting some chicks in a few days and have a few questions I was hoping you could help me with.

1) I plan on keeping them in a cardborad box for the first month during the day. Can I put grass clipping in the box? I know I'm not suposed to put sawdust, but for the first month can I use grass clippings?

2) We live in the caribbean and are building a run, can we stick them outside after their first feathers come in on sunny days? I just don't want to leave them cooped up in their box all day while I'm at work.

3) If anyone else has any other chick tips I would appreciate it. I' m a little nervous and don't want to kill them by accident.

1. I would not put any grass clippings in their brooder for a long time- until they are at least 4-5 weeks old. And when you do they will need grit along with the grass clippings to properly digest them.
The best thing to put on the floor of the brooder is pine shavings!!! When you first get your chicks place a towel over the shavings for the first few days to keep them from eating the shavings and from preventing spraddle leg.

Outside would be fine for a few hours when they are older and have feathers.

When you first get them make sure you introduce them to their food and water!!!Plenty of warmth and they should do fine!!!!
I figure I might be worrying way to much, but I just don't want to kill them - especially since they are going to be pets and not food

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