New chicken fanatic


5 Years
Sep 26, 2014
Teton City Idaho
Hi, I just got my little flock of chickens four months ago and I've got my first egg! I'm super excited to have chickens and I have a lot of questions. So I'm really glad I'm on this I'm back your chickens because you all know about chickens :) what I'm really looking forward to is buying chicks when there in season. I'm looking for some pure muran breeders. I really want those deep red eggs.I just finished my chicken coop and it looks amazing I'll have to post pictures later. So anyway it's so nice to meet you all and I'm excited to get started on things.
I would recommend posting in your state's thread to find local breeders: best of luck to you!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on those first eggs! :ya You've gotten some good suggestions from lizz9910 and Michael on finding some Marans for your flock!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on those first eggs!! You might ask at your feed store if they can special order this breed. I don't think TSC will do this, but if you have a small mom and pop feed store, lots of them will special order when they get their spring chicks. My feed store does this for people during the spring and will order most breeds for you.

Definitely stop by your state thread and chat with your chicken neighbors. You might find someone locally that has this breed.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC
Maran eggs are gorgeous aren't they? You may find some for sale in the Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade here as well. They are quite a popular breed. Ask on the Marans thread if there are any breeders near you and ask them to PM you with details and offers. Your best bet would be buying from a decent breeder as hatchery stock often leaves a lot to be desired. Best of luck!
Welcome to BYC!

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