New chicken keeper!

Mar 1, 2023
Hi all! I'm Kuritsa y Utochka, which translates to Chicken and Duck in the Russian language. I prefer to not share my real name online, so please refer to me as Kuritsa, Utochka, or Kuritsa y Utockha. Any of those will do.

I joined this forum in early March, but have not introduced myself yet because I only got my chickens Tuesday. I am not completely new to chickens. In the fall of 2021, I had 5 free range chicks that died one by one due to foxes in our area. The last one to die was 14 weeks old, so I have no experience with laying hens.

I have six Barred Rock laying hens. I have absolutely no idea how old they are, as the farm I purchased them at did not tell me their age.

I haven't had a lot of time to have a particular "favorite" aspect of backyard chicken keeping, although I do rather enjoy carrying them from their pen to the coop (the coop is in the garage and the pen is outside) and I also enjoy feeding them out of my hand. My family and I have been building a chicken enclosure in our backyard with hardware cloth, and it will be finished this weekend. In the meantime, our chickens are staying in an old pen from 2021. It's a bit small - and they don't like it a lot - but it will do for a few more days.

My chickens are my only pets. And, in case you're wondering, I found BYC through my loads of Google searches related to chickens! I think I might've bombarded the internet with all my questions...

Hope you have a great day!

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