New chicken lady


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2017
I get my first chicks tomorrow! We are getting Easter Eggers, Light Brahmas, and Faverolles. I have been doing lots of reading and think I am prepared. My husband made the brooder. It has radiant floor heat instead of using heat lamps. Anyone else tried this? We have it in our house so it was easy to hook the brooder up to it also.

I've never tried that (no radiant floor heat here) but a couple questions...can the brooder heat be adjusted to lower temps as the chicks get older? And can the chicks move from warmer brooder areas to cooler ones (so they can self-regulate their body heat)?

You could try using the Search feature (upper left, under the logo) to see if you can find other posts about radiant heat...maybe other members have used it in their brooders.

Best of luck to you!
Hello! The temperature will be controlled by a thermostat so we can turn it up and down, we will also have a regular thermometer in there to double check the thermostat. The "pipe" for the radiant heat runs along the back wall, so the back will be warmer at the recommended temperature and the front cooler and they can get away from the heat.
I couldn't find any post about radiant floor heat, but would love to hear if anyone else has done it.
G’Day from down under sarahq

Sounds like your hubby did a great job on the brooder! Sorry, no radiant heat experience here either, just hatches under a broody hen.

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