New Chicken Mama with questions

Glad to meet you, Stephanie. I love the picture of the chickens on the counter (though I am with Dobielover that they don't belong there). It is a hilarious picture and a good one. You might enter it for the Fair or Picture of the Week.

You can enter pictures of your mystery birds on the forum What Breed/Gender is this. I would hazard a guess that the all yellow chicks are the California Whites and the chicks with the black marks on their wings are Rocks. And I agree that your red hens look like Red Stars (aka Cinnamon Queens, ISA Browns, Golden Buffs, Golden Comets). These are sex link hens that can be sorted by color at hatching to tell males from females. They are quick to mature and start laying and lay a lot of eggs. Nice hens if you like eggs (and who does not?).

Best wishes with your birds and all your plans!
Thank you so much for your response! And yea, I definitely had to disinfect the counters haha. They ended up there during a heat wave and two of our dogs aren’t the best with chickens. So up there the dogs couldn’t get to them. I will definitely check out the photo contest and the group to help identify the chicks. Again, thank you for the response!

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