New chicken mom here!

I'm a brand new chicken mom, first timer, and I'm loving it! Have 10 beautiful hens. No idea what they are but we got them all full grown!

Glad to be part of a group
Welcome to BYC, glad you've joined us here.

I'm in eastern NC.

Thanks for posting pictures, I love pictures.
Welcome to BYC!
I think I see two buff orpingtons, a lavender orpington, a couple of australorps, and some production reds, a Columbian something (could be a wyandotte, a Delaware, or even a light brahma if it has feathered feet)
Thank you Janie! The white one, which has some black around its neck, has feathered feet... so does the lavender .....
Hello, welcome to BYC! :frow

I'm seeing two Buff Orpingtons, a Light Brahma, a Lavender Orpington, and a Australorp, the black chicken eating I'm not too sure is an Australorp too, as I'm seeing white feathers. You also have 3 Red Sex Links, you may have a fourth one, the red one in the upper part of the picture, but it looks like she has a different comb, so not sure.

You may want to create another thread in the breed and gender forum, as you'll get more replies there. ->

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