New Chicken Mom

FHF ChickenMom

Jul 24, 2017
South Wales, NY
Hi Folks!! I'm FHF ChickenMom,

I don't even have them yet, but am due to receive three Buff Orpingtons from a childhood friend who's daughter rescued the three from the "hatch chicks in the classroom" gig. They can't keep them because the live in "the city" which these days shouldn't matter to much, but they think one of them is a rooster and the town said "no way", so she turned to me. Ironically , I have been contemplating chickens since 2011 anyway, so why not. So, I have re-doubled my studies because this is going to happen...yikes. I already am well learned with dogs, cats, horses, fish and parrots-all of whom are spoiled...but these aren't parrots! So I am grateful to have a place to go with my hundreds of questions and to be able to pull from your experience and support. Thanks so much!
If you have hundreds of questions you will receive hundreds of answers from people who care on this forum. Congratulations on tapping into a wealth of 411 at your thumb tips!
A bunch of other good folks are gunna ambush ya with welcomes! Good times & good advise is at your finger tips!
Hello from Florida!:frow
Welcome to Backyard chickens. The best place to start a chicken education is the Learning Center. It has answers to questions, you haven't even thought of yet.
If you have hundreds of questions you will receive hundreds of answers from people who care on this forum. Congratulations on tapping into a wealth of 411 at your thumb tips!
A bunch of other good folks are gunna ambush ya with welcomes! Good times & good advise is at your finger tips!
Hello from Florida!:frow
Thanks so much! Your welcome means a lot and boy am I gonna "pick your brains" LOL :)
Hi Folks!! I'm FHF ChickenMom,

I don't even have them yet, but am due to receive three Buff Orpingtons from a childhood friend who's daughter rescued the three from the "hatch chicks in the classroom" gig. They can't keep them because the live in "the city" which these days shouldn't matter to much, but they think one of them is a rooster and the town said "no way", so she turned to me. Ironically , I have been contemplating chickens since 2011 anyway, so why not. So, I have re-doubled my studies because this is going to happen...yikes. I already am well learned with dogs, cats, horses, fish and parrots-all of whom are spoiled...but these aren't parrots! So I am grateful to have a place to go with my hundreds of questions and to be able to pull from your experience and support. Thanks so much!
Welcome to BYC! Glad you could join us!
Thanks so much! Your welcome means a lot and boy am I gonna "pick your brains" LOL :)
Well as I've said before, I only have two brain cells left and one is giving CPR to the other so there won't be any "brain pickin" here :lau. On the other hand, I am an encourager, a ready and willin student of learning and a chicken lover....and goats....and dogs...and cats...and cattle....and horses. Welcome @FHF ChickenMom, to the BYC family, please have a seat at the family table where we laugh, cry, share, ask, love...:love
Welcome aboard! :frow
We are glad you joined our flock.
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