New chicken owner from SC


Aug 31, 2023
Upstate SC
Hello! I'm Vicki and after a couple years of considering buying chickens, I took the plunge. I'm married with four kids from 15 down to 8 and we homeschool so of course, the stereotype fits. ;)
We live in a neighborhood but have a nice big backyard with plenty of unused space. We also enjoy animals and eggs.
Currently I have 8 7-8 week old pullets - 2 RIR, 2 black maran, and 4 Easter Eggers which are "mostly hens". I found someone who had purchased from TSC to have some chicks as companions for the one chick she hatched and she was ready to pass them to a new owner. I would have LOVED to start with chicks (especially my kids) but I felt that we were on a time crunch and I didn't know if I could get what I wanted this late in the summer. Plus, this gets us a good variety of breeds to start with.
I'm currently waiting on a friend to build us a coop so I have a large dog pen in the garage for them. However, they are starting to get antsy and bored I think so I posted on a different forum about options for a tractor for them until the coop/run is built.
Anyway, we are super excited although I've been a bit stressed about predators and proofing everything. We plan on putting the run together ourselves and are not handy people so I want to make sure it's safe for the chickies during the day. The thought of losing one of them makes me really sad but I know that's a reality of chicken raising and I'm sure it will happen some day.
This forum has already been very helpful and I'm sure I'll be perusing more and more as I go!

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