New chicken owner in love with the free range method

Its all about the breed and protection. I've lost 1 bird to a predator with my current free range flock in a year. 1 bird. Although in fairness I would have lost a second to a hawk had the hawk not grabbed her right in front of me. Although had I not been there the hawk may not have had the chance as the chicken was distracted by a treat. I live in the middle of several thousand acres of remote Florida woods that's teaming with predators. By birds are mostly red jungle fowl hybrids and I have a free range dog that keeps guard 24-7.
Hello and welcome to BYC! This is a great place to learn and share your chicken adventures. I don't do actual free ranging because of the heavy predator population. But I do let the flock out for about an hour everyday, weather permitting. They hang out in the backyard and I hang with them. When they let me know a hawk is flying around I wave at it just to let him know I'm there to keep him away. We all have to take care of our chickens the way that works for us. Best of luck with your wee flock.
Hi! Welcome to BYC! We're happy to have you here! @Shadrach free ranges his chickens with some success. Obviously predation is an issue for all free range birds. But this:
I have since fenced in 2 acres around the house and the weimaraner keeps most everything out and does not bother the chickens
may make all the difference! Best of luck to you!!!

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