New chicken owner


Jun 12, 2020
Southeast Texas
Been reading the forum for about the past year in preparation of building a coop and getting some chicks for our grandbaby. We had chickens about 20 years ago when our son was young and it was great. He grew out of it though and we eventually gave up due to building a new garage where the chickens were housed. I started the coop in February just before the virus hit. All our local facilities that sold chickens would sell out before I could get off work and pick some up so we ended up ordering online. We ordered 12 chickens and 4 ducks. We have no interest in breeding so we went with all pullets. We ordered Buff Orpingtons, Austerlops, Rhode Islands New Hampshires, Red Comets, and Barred Rocks in pairs. The ducks are Welsh Harlequins. They arrived 06/08/2020. While enroute to pick them up I found that Tractor Supply had just received a shipment of pullets so I picked up 2 Gold sex links and 2 white So now we have 16 chickens and 4 ducks. Every since they have arrived our grand daughter 8 years old) has been completely thrilled and sets a timer for every two hours to go out and sit with them next to the brooder. We are brooding in the run in a small swimming pool. It's fairly warm here (Southeast Texas) so keeping them comfortable has been fairly easy. They seem to be thriving fairly well. I will post up some pics of the coop or maybe a video later. Thanks to all that contribute information as this has helped me tremendously because for the life of me I can't remember one single thing of how raised the chickens 20 years
LOVE that part about your granddaughter setting the timer! My family raised chickens when I was growing up, and I know what you mean about forgetting everything you ever knew. Same here!

Sounds like you're off to a great re-start. Welcome to BYC!!'s nice to not see her with an electronic gadget in her hand all the time. My wife keeps her for most of the summer and when she is dropped off she is almost always asleep but for the past three mornings she is awake and wants to go out

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