New Chicken Owner!!


6 Years
Oct 6, 2013
We rescued a Isa brown chicken, Big Red from my dads place as she was being "hen pecked" by two smaller black chickens. They have managed to pull out quite a few feathers from the top of her head
So we have had her for a week now and she is laying a egg a day and seems happy
We have just bought today another Isa brown to keep her company. The new addition , Milo, is 18 weeks old. I guess my question is, as Big red hasn't been in our yard/chicken run for long will there be a issue of dominence from her to Milo? If there is a problem is there a recommended way to help them become friends?

it's good to add a chicken that is about the same size/age. -If you partition off the coop or run area they can meet thru the wire and not be able to hurt each other. After a week or so of this arrangement you can try them together while you are around to supervise.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! There may be some issues at first while they get to know each other, but since it's one and one I think (hope) your rescued girl would just be happy to have a friend and accept her without issues. It would be better to keep them separate at first, so they can see and talk to each other, without being able to make contact.
Thanks for your speedy replies!!! I live Down Under in Australia so its late afternoon here and we did a mixture of both of the above replies and it has worked beautifully
We now have two chickens roaming around our back yard seemingly very happy. Fingers crossed it stays that way!!!!
Thanks again

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